Friday, July 10, 2015

End of an accidental evangelist

Sunday, 24.--l explained, to a numerous congregation in Spitalfields church, "the whole armor of God." St. Paul's, Shadwell, was still more crowded in the afternoon, while I enforced that important truth, "One thing is needful"; and I hope many, even then, resolved to choose the better part.

The Journal of John Wesley

I am choosing not to continue serializing the entries of The Journal of John Wesley as these chronicle his final hours and last words. He went to his reward with others recording his voice and testimony of faith.

Instead I put my effort into speaking for myself, after 37 years to practice ministry as a person who is like John Wesley, a creature of my century and a Christian Methodist by nature.

Greg Crispell - July 10, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A gust of the Spirit

Wednesday, 20.--I had appointed to preach at Diss, a town near Scoleton; but the difficulty was where I could preach. The minister was willing I should preach in the church but feared offending the bishop, who, going up to London, was within a few miles of the town. But a gentleman asking the bishop whether he had any objection to it, was answered, "None at all." I think this church is one of the largest in this county. I suppose it has not been so filled these hundred years. This evening and the next I preached at Bury to a deeply attentive congregation, many of whom know in whom they have believed. So that here we have not lost all our labor. 

The Journal of John Wesley

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Tuesday, 19.--In the evening all the clergymen in the town, except one who was lame, were present at the preaching. They are all prejudiced in favor of the Methodists, as indeed are most of the townsmen; they give a fair proof by contributing so much to our Sunday schools that there is nearly twenty pounds in hand.

The Journal of John Wesley 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Chilled by the mizzing rain

But here neither could we procure any posthorses, so that we were obliged to take a single-horse chaise. The wind, with mizzing rain, came full in our faces, and we had nothing to screen us from it; I was thoroughly chilled from head to foot before I came to Lynn. But I soon forgot this little inconvenience, for which the earnestness of the congregation made me large amends.

The Journal of John Wesley 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Momentum of the falling body

Monday, 18.--No coach going out for Lynn today, I was obliged to take a postchaise. But at Dereham no horses were to be had, so we were obliged to take the same horses to Swaffham. A congregation was ready here that filled the house and seemed quite ready to receive instruction.

The Journal of John Wesley 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Beginning the evolution from movement to church

Sunday, 17.--At seven I administered the Lord's supper to about one hundred and fifty persons, nearly twice as many as we had last year.

The Journal of John Wesley