Wednesday, 12.--I preached to a large congregation at five, who seemed quite athirst
for instruction. Afterward we took a walk over the remains of the castle, so bravely defended
in the last century, against all the power of the Parliament forces, by the widow of the Lord
Chief Justice Banks. It is one of the noblest ruins I ever saw: the walls are of an immense
thickness, defying even the assaults of time, and were formerly surrounded by a deep ditch.
The house, which stands in the middle on the very top of the rock, has been a magnificent
structure. Sometime since the proprietor fitted up some rooms on the southwest side of this
and laid out a little garden, commanding a large prospect, pleasant beyond description. For
a while he was greatly delighted with it: but the eye was not satisfied with seeing. It grew
familiar; it pleased no more and is now run all to ruin. No wonder: what can delight always
but the knowledge and love of God?
The Journal of John Wesley
The Journal of John Wesley