Monday, 28.--I spent some hours at the General Assembly, composed of about a hundred
and fifty ministers. I was surprised to find 1) that anyone was admitted, even lads, twelve
or fourteen years old; 2) that the chief speakers were lawyers, six or seven on one side only;
3) that a single question took up the whole time, which, when I went away, seemed to be as
far from a conclusion as ever, namely, "Shall Mr. Lindsay be removed to Kilmarnock parish
or not?" The argument for it was, "He has a large family, and this living is twice as good as
his own." The argument against it was, "The people are resolved not to hear him and will
leave the kirk if he comes." If then the real point in view had "the greater good of the Church,"
been, as their law directs, instead of taking up five hours, the debate might have been determined in five minutes.
The Journal of John Wesley
The Journal of John Wesley
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